Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SEC arrest brutal gang of robbers

Dusseldorf - They beat too brutal and ruthless. You knüppelten their victims to the ground. But now they sit one.
Police arrested a gang of brutal robbers who are targeting car buyers. Had repeatedly struck the men - now they felt the police in the case.
Repeatedly had offered the men a car on the Internet. The buyers they lured into a dark alley with no escape.
Then the brutal assault: from behind niedergeknüpppelt were the buyers, all the money (amounts to € 10,000) stolen.
So when an appropriate car was again offered to put the officials on their case: they made themselves, an officer posed as a buyer. When they arrived in the gases already waited a special task force.
Then access: The four perpetrators (16-31) have been arrested. They have already been brought before a custody judge, have been and are sitting now in detention.