Thursday, February 18, 2010

Researcher is to convict accomplices

Cologne - Her name is Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, an anthropologist in Freiburg, and may be related to their research method, the Cologne Hilton educate murder.
Wittwer-Backofen is a specialist in the field of morphometry, the comparison of body types. The more similar body shapes are, the higher is the probability that these are two pictures identical individuals.
"The quality of the photo is not so crucial. The idea is to compare features. The rarer the feature, the higher the probability of class, "said Wittwer-Backofen on Thursday in the EXPRESS interview.
The researcher who has worked at the Max Planck Institute, and sits now at the Institute of Human Genetics and Anthropology in Freiburg, the images viewed from the surveillance camera at the Hilton, is to determine if the person is with the baseball cap of the man who in the district court sitting in the dock.
This man's name is Agron B. and denies ever having been in the real value. According to the prosecutor's office Agron example, a karate master from Stuttgart, the murder committed at the Berlin photographer Nikolaus Geyer († 37) together with the principal defendants Daniel C..
With 20 strokes Baseball Geyer was killed. But in the process Agron B. says nothing. And his defenders say clearly: He was not da.Deshalb the defender of the main defendants, Iris Stuff from Eigelstein placed to hear the application on Thursday, as a witness to the researcher.
The district court was impressed by the proposal entirely. The chairman, Dr. Moller had about this, "given himself once before." There may be a site visit to be scheduled.
The fact that the man is wearing a cap on the monitor screen, makes her no fear. "We often investigate masked persons, such as bank robberies."
Also of interest
Modern methods