Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thon will be Ailton's Coach

Krefeld --
Now it's about but the KFC Uerdingen. The Sechsligist from Krefeld plans after Ailton transfer the next spectacular coup.
Thon power now in the Grotenburg music? Fact: Ex-League Star Olaf Thon (43) met yesterday morning with KFC marketing manager Joachim Seifert in Krefeld "Cafe In." For exploratory talks? "It was a first contact. It would be too early to say more, "said Thon afterwards.
The world champion will lead the next few days another meeting with club boss KFC Lakis, holds the reins of the club in his hand and is sponsoring the club. However: The Krefeld Wolfgang Maes currently have a coach who is with his team to fourth place.
But entrepreneurs Lakis wants more - and more big names. Thus, the ex-stars Didi Hamann and Boris Zivkovic at KFC in conversation will be ...
Ailton The Deal and the many headlines have paid off for former Bundesliga something. Thus, the club 250 Ailton-shirts sold to the Brazilian's home debut on 10 February against Wülfrath are expected over 5,000 spectators.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Broich front goodbye to SC Freiburg?

Cologne - Cologne When starting lineup on Saturday enters the stadium of friendship, he will again sit on the bench.
Thomas Broich (28), the rise of a hero, has made it into the eleven live packed in the upper house before. And so everything points to his departure to FC ... Broich's contract ends in June.
He will not be extended. Apparently the the popular midfielder will myself not even more. While the Munich-born adamantly silent about for months. Internally, however, according to Broich EXPRESS have information clearly announced his resignation.
Fittingly, he recently the staff of the video department Sportslab "should have asked for a favor. One may ask him, but the best scenes from his time at Cologne to burn to a DVD. Above all, the Cup victory over Schalke could not fail. The game, however, rose in October 2006 ...
Consultant Michael Koppold: "Offers are there. We agreed that we are ahead in the international break to take a decision. "Requests from the second division club Nuremberg and Freiburg. Above all, the students will match the city Südstadt-Romantics. It is clear: In his departure, the number 10 is free - for Lukas Podolski.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The "pop stars" are still single

They were the happy winners of the "Popstars"-finals at the Arena Oberhausen: Leo (20) and Vanessa (18), alias "Some & Any." The scouts, they revealed their secret: They are still single!
The X-scouts talked to winners of the casting show on the controversial band name and love.
"Block Party" are still single
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How was the moment when your names were?
    Vanessa: Unbelievable, I think, is it always the best moment in my life!
Are you satisfied with your duo constellation?
    Leo: Yeah, totally! Nicht.Vanessa better it goes: Yeah, I was terribly happy when Leo was my duo partner.
How does it look from home with you? Are you forgiven?
    Leo: No, we're neither, we are both still too haben.Auch each other? Leo: No, we're more like brothers and sisters, we see ourselves super.Vanessa: And it would just be so funny if we both suddenly what had together.
You both have the star sign Leo. Are not you afraid that their time together properly rated?
    Leo: No, I think we are both wise enough to know when and who hold the door sollte.Vanessa: Oh, I should shut my trap? (laughs)
How do you like the controversial name "Some & Any?
    Leo: In the beginning I did not find the name of great, sounded funny, I had the first time for me contribute lassen.Vanessa: Me too. But that is a name that has not reckoned with.
Video entitled

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A new district in the heart of Upper Kassel

Dusseldorf - The former freight yard in Upper Kassel - a huge area in the heart of the Rhine district, and (through the famous "bend of the Rhine") is also in close proximity to downtown.
, To establish a new urban district, the "Belsen Park. And as an attractive gateway to the city wants to miss the long-neglected Belsenplatz a "facelift".
The square at the intersection of three roads (Luegallee, Belsenstraße, Hansaallee) and two railway lines (direction and Meerbusch Neuss / Krefeld) has a long needed facelift - this also means CDU Councilor Dr. Friedrich Haßbach who complained years ago: " The Belsenplatz is a plague! "
Now everything will be better, the traffic will be re-organized in order from the court - as the city council wrote in a Council proposal - a "kick-off space and image-makers for the new urban quarter" to do so. The main design point: In front of the historic station building is now used as a restaurant created an attractive square area.
Some Oberkasselern this solution, however, not expected to go far enough: The traffic and beautification club about a great solution in the form of a roundabout had called for the Belsenplatz.
In any case, should a visual and functional improvement of the trade center, which is struggling hard to give at this point for years (for example, the long-vacant "Oberkasseler Court) new impetus. And above all, the measure is an organic link between the shopping area at the Luegallee and establish the what is emerging as the former station yard.
"Within the area are retail, including a large supermarket, offices and - caused by more than 50 percent - including new homes," explains the head of the district administration office, Alfred wreath. Total 152.000 square meters of land to new uses will be supplied. According to the investor Vivico will emerge just 850 new homes.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tor settlement with Borussia

Mönchengladbach - Borussia Sunday in Offenbach: This is the duel of the clipper edges Aristide Bancé (1.92 meters) from Rob Friend (1.95). The scorers are totally fired up for the duel - for entirely different reasons ...
Bancé wanted on 31 January 2007 move to Borussia, was waiting in the office. But Jupp Heynckes and followers came from Jos Luhukay Bancé sent away again. "I did not know the players. And he knew neither language nor league, "coach Borussia justified his veto. "Would it be a well-known players from the Bundesliga have been, who knows the country, I would probably have approved."
Through Antwerp, the storm arrived on the Half-giant in Offenbach. "At times I've Gladbacher Bancé even scouted. He shot a 21-year-old in Belgium 15 goals, "says the ex-OFC Borusse and current coach Jörn Andersen. "When we needed a good attacker in Offenbach, I am reminded of him." Bancé thanked his boss there, shooting in nine games back rounds of four goals.
Andersen: "Aristide is an absolute top striker with Premiership football format." The 23-year-old swears Luhukay Tor revenge. Andersen: "Gladbach has a similar Stoßstürmer with Friend. Bancé is physically stronger and more robust than Friend. He is totally good shape for that. "And after his flu again fully operational. "I am fit and have power for 90 minutes," says Ballermann Borussia best, who wants to end his 494-minute Torflaute: Friend: "It is time for me to meet again."