Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tor settlement with Borussia

Mönchengladbach - Borussia Sunday in Offenbach: This is the duel of the clipper edges Aristide Bancé (1.92 meters) from Rob Friend (1.95). The scorers are totally fired up for the duel - for entirely different reasons ...
Bancé wanted on 31 January 2007 move to Borussia, was waiting in the office. But Jupp Heynckes and followers came from Jos Luhukay Bancé sent away again. "I did not know the players. And he knew neither language nor league, "coach Borussia justified his veto. "Would it be a well-known players from the Bundesliga have been, who knows the country, I would probably have approved."
Through Antwerp, the storm arrived on the Half-giant in Offenbach. "At times I've Gladbacher Bancé even scouted. He shot a 21-year-old in Belgium 15 goals, "says the ex-OFC Borusse and current coach Jörn Andersen. "When we needed a good attacker in Offenbach, I am reminded of him." Bancé thanked his boss there, shooting in nine games back rounds of four goals.
Andersen: "Aristide is an absolute top striker with Premiership football format." The 23-year-old swears Luhukay Tor revenge. Andersen: "Gladbach has a similar Stoßstürmer with Friend. Bancé is physically stronger and more robust than Friend. He is totally good shape for that. "And after his flu again fully operational. "I am fit and have power for 90 minutes," says Ballermann Borussia best, who wants to end his 494-minute Torflaute: Friend: "It is time for me to meet again."